
Our Business

Our business is buying, selling and renting used vibration equipment. Our target market is the independent vibration analyst.

You might ask, “Why rent?”. With the sticker price on new vibration data systems starting at $30,000 and climbing much higher, renting equipment for a few weeks is a better option. For the small business vibration consultant, purchasing new equipment is usually beyond his reach. Thus we see the need in the vibration community for renting equipment. We want to fill this need to your satisfaction. Contact us if you have used vibration equipment for sale, would like to purchase used equipment or would like to rent used equipment.

Our Inventory

We current have six Bently Nevada ADRE 208-P DAIU and two CSI 2120 instruments for rent. You may rent one or more 208-P instruments or a complete system of one or more 208-P instruments with a laptop and the ADRE software ready to collect and analyze your orbit data.


CSI 2120
2 Channels$200 per week
ADRE 208 System
8 Channels$600 per week
16 Channels$1000 per week
ADRE 408 SXP, Second Gen with Solid State hard drive
16 Channels$400 per day
24 Channels$500 per day
IOtech ZonicBook/618E with eZ-TOMAS software
8 Channels$500 per week
16 Channels$700 per week
24 Channels$900 per week


Please call or email for a quote.
Talmadge D. Ward Jr.